Let’s Talk…

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A segment where I talk about different authors. Each post is dedicated to one author and I go crazy about them. Most of them are my favourites (so that’s my excuse for sounding biased in the posts), but this will not always be the case. Authors are picked at random and I’ve at least read one of their books.

New Let’s Talk post every second Monday.

**Just click on the name to be taken to the post of an author. All links open in a new tab

  Related image 42085691 lauren-oliver 158721 stephenie-meyer-twilightjpg-0052884fddad95b614684322 3433047 author-bio-pic taherehmafi gayle_forman a2370425329-j__r__r__tolkien patrick-ness-by-helen-giles1 charlie_higson

Source: All pictures are taken from Google Images

List of Authors (Left to right)

  1. John Green
  2. Cassandra Clare
  3. J.K. Rowling
  4. Rainbow Rowell
  5. Lauren Oliver
  6. Rick Riordan
  7. Stephenie Meyer
  8. Marissa Meyer
  9. Sarah J. Maas
  10. Suzanne Collins
  11. Tahereh Mafi
  12. Gayle Forman
  13. Laurie Halse Anderson
  14. J.R.R. Tolkien
  15. Patrick Ness
  16. Charlie Higson