Book Review: The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

3.5-4 stars.

The Time Traveler’s Wife speaks of what we’d say was impossible. A man who can’t help but jump through time and a girl who continues waiting for him to show up.

When Clare meets Henry for the first time, she is 6. When Henry meets her for the first time, he is 28.

What I liked about this book was that something that sounds like it shouldn’t be able to happen was part of this man’s life. It was who he was. Without being able to control it, he was thrust here and there not being able to decide where he ended up. When Clare met him she found him to be an anomaly and grew to love him. She was okay with waiting for him because she knew that he’d always come back.

Henry and Clare’s story is what I’d call a tragedy. Being together yet not, at the same time was what was painful about it. The moment she thought she had him, he’d disappear. Hours spent together seemed like minutes.

What I didn’t like in this book was the cussing. It was okay most of the time but some times it got a bit excessive. It took me a while to get into this book and I had to put it down a bit in the middle. Other than that, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

There were parts in the story that I found amusing and near the end I was wishing for all the bad things to disappear. Why should two people who loved each other the way Henry and Clare did be constantly separated?

I have yet to watch the movie adaptation of this book but I will as soon as time allows.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who prefers a love story with a twist.

Read: 13 May 2015
Rating: 3.5-4/5

3 thoughts on “Book Review: The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

  1. Hi. Nice to e-meet you. We connected on Goodreads and I saw you too had a WP site. I’m on here at A collection of book reviews, film reviews, vacation spots and the 365 Daily Challenge blog.

    You have a great site here. I found this review first but will be looking at many others. I don’t remember that much cussing in it, but it was many years ago. I may have just forgotten. Have a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the follow and the friend request on Goodreads. I’ve only read one of your posts at this time- your most recent about Ornery- and I really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more.

      Thanks for the comment. If I’m being honest, I have to say that there are many things I don’t quite remember about this book but I do remember liking it a lot. You too have a great day.

      Liked by 1 person

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